Monday, January 23, 2012

Underworld River Vessels

1. Ogre-powered pole barge laden with surface loot
2. Fishing boat w/ giant water beetles trained to retrieve prey
3. Casino boat protected by treaties, neutral ground for all factions, run by extremely dangerous vampire
4. Oil rig-style facility: refines river-bottom sludge into orc chow
5. Algae harvesting skimmers crewed by carapace men
6. Floating temple to the river god: aggressively seeks contributions, filled with zealot-marines
7. Haunted trireme on eternal oddysey: morose spirits of famous heroes of the past
8. Pleisiosaur-riding river knights, love to joust among themselves
9. Giant squid-propelled speed boat pirates
10. Adjustable bridge boat operated by wealthy troll clan
11. Lost and demoralized viking types searching for open sea
12. Reptile men atop giant turtle amphibious assault vessel, shell modified with battlements, arrow slits, tail ramp

Also: The Halfling's Codpiece (dinghy): abandoned


  1. "Casino boat protected by treaties, neutral ground for all factions, run by extremely dangerous vampire"


  2. No luck at all for those poor viking bastards.
